DIY Painted Ladybug Rocks: A Fun Garden Craft for Kids
A great kids craft project for school holidays, or to brighten up a rainy day! Bring your garden to life with these adorable, painted ladybug rocks. Perfect for kids, this craft adds a playful, colourful twist to any outdoor space.
What you will need:
· Patio Paints (like these ones: DecoArt Patio Paint)
· Smooth, Oval Rocks - look out for good rocks on a walk!
· Paintbrush (check out our range of paintbrushes
· Outdoor Sealer (like this Mod Podge one)
· Toothpick, or something similar
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1: Prep the Rocks
· Wash and dry the rocks thoroughly.
Step 2: Paint the Base
· Use Patio Paint to cover the rock with your choice of colours. Leave it dry.
· Do not paint the underside if it is going to sit on soil.
Step 3: Add the Head
· Paint a black head at one end of the rock and let it dry.
Step 4: Create the Spots and Eyes
· Use the handle end of a paintbrush to dot black spots onto the body, and two white dots on the head.
Step 5: Detail the Eyes
· Cut the tip off a toothpick, dip it in black paint, and add tiny black dots to the centre of the white eyes.
Step 6: Seal & Finish
· Once dry, seal your ladybugs with a coat of outdoor sealer to protect them.
Enjoy your colourful creation! Be sure to tag us in your designs using #WorldOfCraft!